About Us
The California Senior Classical League (CASCL) is a state chapter of the National Senior Classical League (NSCL), the college-level affiliate of the Junior Classical League. Throughout the year, we attend regional, state and national JCL conventions, lending a helping hand wherever we are needed. We provide a forum for Classics enthusiasts and JCL die-hards to build a community of like-minded individuals. If this sounds like you, join the ranks of the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and indispensable SCLers.
You do not have to be enrolled in a Classics course or even know Latin to be a member of the California Senior Classical League. It’s true! All undergraduates are eligible for primary membership, meaning they can hold office and vote. Following the completion of your undergraduate studies, you enter into secondary membership in which you can no longer hold office. And if you really are just a life-long California SCLer, after four years of secondary membership you will reach the venerable tertiary status.
For more information: check-out the NSCL Members Page. To sign-up, contact [email protected]. |
Start a Local Chapter
Want to bring the grandeur of the CASCL to your institution? The CASCL charters local chapters at post-secondary institutions in California. If you are interested starting your own chapter, contact us at [email protected] for more info on how to get started! |