The CAJCL Constitution and By-laws dictate how the CAJCL operates. They are amended by the Parliamentarian.
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The two buttons below will download a copy of the Constitution or By-Laws, or you can click on the constitution down below, and see more information inside each expandable folder.
2023 - 2024 CAJCL Constitution
We, the members of the California Junior Classical League, in order to promote cooperation among chapters, establish a basis for order, and unite the members of the organization in scholarship of the classics, do establish this Constitution for the California Junior Classical League.
article i: name
The name of this organization shall be the California Junior Classical League, hereafter referred to as the CAJCL.
article ii: purpose and dissolution
The CAJCL is organized exclusively for educational purposes and shall be supported by membership fees and contributions from the yearly State Convention.
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote a more thorough knowledge of classical life, history, and literature; to impart a better understanding of the practical and cultural value of the classics; to interest other students in the classical languages, literature, government, laws, and arts; and, as members of this organization, to always strive to promote friendship and fellowship among students of the classics.
Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed to the American Classical League (ACL), which is an exempt organization under 501(c)(3). In the event that the ACL is no longer an exempt organization upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote a more thorough knowledge of classical life, history, and literature; to impart a better understanding of the practical and cultural value of the classics; to interest other students in the classical languages, literature, government, laws, and arts; and, as members of this organization, to always strive to promote friendship and fellowship among students of the classics.
Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed to the American Classical League (ACL), which is an exempt organization under 501(c)(3). In the event that the ACL is no longer an exempt organization upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
article iii: convention
The CAJCL shall hold a yearly State Convention.
article iv: Authority for Operation
The authority for the operation of the CAJCL shall come from the following sources, which are listed in order of precedence:
- This CAJCL Constitution
- The CAJCL By-Laws
- Robert’s Rules of Order
article v: membership
Section 1: General MembershipIndividual membership in this organization shall be of two kinds: member of a chapter and member-at-large. All members shall be taking or have taken a classical language or a course in the classical humanities. Membership may be granted to others at the discretion of the chapter and the State Board.
Section 2: ChapterA chapter shall be composed of at least one person eligible for membership in this organization and a qualified sponsor that wishes to become a part of this organization.
Section 3: Good StandingLocal chapters and members-at-large shall be admitted in good standing to the California Junior Classical League upon proper payment of annual dues.
Section 4: SponsorsLocal chapters must be sponsored by a Latin teacher. Another adult may serve as chapter sponsor with the consent of the Executive Board. A sponsor must be a member in good standing of the ACL.
- A student who has no local chapter may become an active member-at-large by applying to the state treasurer for membership. They will then be referred to a chapter in the vicinity.
Section 2: ChapterA chapter shall be composed of at least one person eligible for membership in this organization and a qualified sponsor that wishes to become a part of this organization.
Section 3: Good StandingLocal chapters and members-at-large shall be admitted in good standing to the California Junior Classical League upon proper payment of annual dues.
- Proper payment shall consist of payment of the annual dues on or before December 1.
- Only chapters in good standing may sponsor a candidate for state office and vote at the State Convention.
Section 4: SponsorsLocal chapters must be sponsored by a Latin teacher. Another adult may serve as chapter sponsor with the consent of the Executive Board. A sponsor must be a member in good standing of the ACL.
article vi: Officers
section 1: offices
- The elected officers of this organization shall consist of one First Vice-President, one Second Vice-President, one Parliamentarian, one Secretary, and one Historian.
- The appointed officers shall consist of one Convention President, two Regional Representatives, one Nuntius Editor, and one Webmaster.
section 2: qualifications
Each elected officer shall be an individual member of this organization who:
- Is a member in good standing of the CAJCL and the National Junior Classical League (NJCL).
- Will be enrolled in a classical language course for their entire term of office, or will have completed all such classes available at their school and will check in with their sponsor and the State Chair at least twice a month.
- Will be present at the annual State Conventions at the beginning and end of their term of office.
- Will not succeed a member of their chapter (including themselves) in a specific office.
- Additionally, candidates for Second Vice-President must have already attended one National Convention before applying for the office.
Each appointed officer shall be an individual member of this organization who: - Is a member in good standing of the CAJCL and NJCL.
- Will be enrolled in a classical language course for their entire term of office, or will have completed all such classes available at their school and will check in with their sponsor and the State Chair at least twice a month.
- Will be present at the annual State Conventions at the beginning and end of their term of office.
- An appointed officer may succeed a member of their chapter in a specific office with the exception of the Convention President(s).
section 3: the nomination and election of officers
- Candidates for state office shall be nominated by a Nominations Committee consisting of the Parliamentarian, who shall act as chair, the Regional Representative not from the Parliamentarian’s region, who shall act as co-chair, and three others, representing three other chapters, from all of the several regions, which do not have candidates applying for nomination to elected state or national offices.
- Two candidates will be chosen for each office from the applications submitted to the Parliamentarian, unless fewer than two are submitted and/or candidates are deemed ineligible by the Nominations Committee. These applications, the specifics of which can be found on the Officer Application Form, must be submitted to the Parliamentarian at least six weeks before the State Convention.
- State of Emergency: In the case there are no pre-filed candidates for an office, the Parliamentarian will call for a State of Emergency no later than the first assembly of the State Convention. During a State of Emergency, nominations shall be accepted by chapters in good standing. Should there be more than two nominations, the Nominations Committee shall nominate two candidates. If a candidate is ineligible according to the qualifications outlined in Article VI, Section 3, Subsection E, Paragraph 2, Clause i, the Nominations Committee has the right to overrule the disqualifications by a simple majority only if there are no other alternatives.
- The Nominations Committee may nominate up to, but not more than, two candidates from each chapter.
- Each candidate may campaign only after the candidates’ speeches to the General Assembly at the State Convention.
- Expenses for the campaign shall not exceed $30 per candidate, including both the estimated value of donated material and actual expenses.
- At least one week prior to the State Convention, each candidate selected by the Nominations Committee must submit their speech to the Parliamentarian for screening. The Parliamentarian, in cooperation with the State Chair, shall suggest whatever changes are necessary to ensure that the speech holds to acceptable bounds of appropriateness and does not conflict with the purpose of the organization. At the State Convention, prior to campaigning, each candidate shall present their campaign materials and all applicable receipts to the Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall confiscate excess campaign materials in order to assure compliance with the Constitution; failure to comply with the Parliamentarian’s decision will result in the disqualification of the candidate.
- The Parliamentarian shall outline the rules for online/social media campaigning at the start of the election process, after consulting the State Chair and the Parliamentarian advisor, and communicate these regulations to the candidates.
- Election Procedure:
- Each chapter shall be allowed up to two voting delegates to represent the entire chapter. If there is only one voting delegate present or eligible for a chapter, the chapter shall be allowed only one vote. Every voting delegate must:
- Be a member in good standing of the chapter they represent as well as the CAJCL and NJCL.
- Attend the Candidates Open Forum and Election Assembly during the State Convention.
- Not be a concurrent candidate.
- Be a member in good standing of the chapter they represent as well as the CAJCL and NJCL.
- The officers shall be elected by secret ballot at a voting assembly during the annual State Convention. A simple majority of all votes cast, including abstentions, shall be necessary for election.
- If an office remains vacant after elections, the Parliamentarian shall call for candidates no later than the final assembly of the State Convention. Candidates may be considered only if they meet all requirements outlined in Article VI, with two exceptions. First, candidates may succeed members of their chapter in the same office, waiving the requirement in Article VI, Section 2, Subsection A, Paragraph 4. Second, candidates may be considered even if two other candidates from their chapter have been elected, waiving the requirement in Article VI, Section 3, Subsection C.
- The outgoing Executive Board shall interview all candidates qualified under Article VI, Section 3, Subsection E, Paragraph 2, Clause i for the vacant office and appoint one.
- If an office remains vacant after elections, the Parliamentarian shall call for candidates no later than the final assembly of the State Convention. Candidates may be considered only if they meet all requirements outlined in Article VI, with two exceptions. First, candidates may succeed members of their chapter in the same office, waiving the requirement in Article VI, Section 2, Subsection A, Paragraph 4. Second, candidates may be considered even if two other candidates from their chapter have been elected, waiving the requirement in Article VI, Section 3, Subsection C.
- Candidates Open Forum: The Parliamentarian shall run the Candidates Open Forum, during which they, along with the voting delegates, shall ask questions to the candidates for each office. The Parliamentarian shall also present any proposed amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws and answer questions from voting delegates.
- Each chapter shall be allowed up to two voting delegates to represent the entire chapter. If there is only one voting delegate present or eligible for a chapter, the chapter shall be allowed only one vote. Every voting delegate must:
- Election Procedure if there is no State Convention:
- If there is no State Convention, there shall still be an election for the next year's state officers.
- Campaign materials for the candidates shall be published on the CAJCL website for chapters and voting delegates to view. It shall be the Parliamentarian's responsibility to promote the election and make sure chapters are notified at each appropriate stage. Each chapter must report two delegates who have viewed the campaign materials in order to receive two votes.
- In lieu of holding a Candidates Open Forum, the Parliamentarian shall send questions to the candidates, for which the candidates shall write formal responses to be posted with the rest of their campaign materials on the CAJCL website. Voting delegates may submit questions for the candidates to answer.
section 4: appointed officers
The positions of Convention President(s), Regional Representatives, Nuntius Editor, and Webmaster are appointed offices.
- Convention President(s): The Convention President and a possible Co-President shall be appointed by the sponsor of the host school of the upcoming State Convention before the fall meeting of the State Board.
- Regional Representatives: For any regional event, a Regional Representative shall be appointed by the sponsor of the host school before the fall meeting of the State Board.
- Nuntius Editor: During the State Convention, a Nuntius Editor shall be appointed via Candidate Interviews upon recommendation of the sponsor of the chapter responsible for the publication of the Nuntius Californiensis.
- Webmaster: During the State Convention, a Webmaster shall be appointed via Candidate Interviews.
section 5: terms
- A term of office is defined as the amount of time an officer shall be a voting member of the Executive Board.
- The term of office for elected officers shall be one year beginning with their inauguration at the State Convention at which they are elected and concluding at the inauguration of new officers at the following State Convention.
- The term of office for appointed officers shall be from the time of their appointment to the time when their successors are chosen, immediately following the next State Convention.
section 6: removal from office
- Requirements for Impeachment: If an officer does not complete any or all of their official duties, this shall constitute grounds for impeachment. Furthermore, any actions not conforming to the decorum of a CAJCL state officer shall also constitute grounds for impeachment.
- The Method of Impeachment:
- A petition for impeachment must be submitted to the Board, containing the name of the officer in question and the duties/actions for which they are liable for impeachment. It must also include the signatures of six members of good standing in the NJCL and CAJCL from no fewer than three different chapters. Prior to petitioning for impeachment, the petitioners must attempt to negotiate a solution privately with the officer in question unless a diplomatic solution is infeasible.
- When a petition is received, the Board must immediately call an emergency session wherein the sole purpose is to discuss the impeachment. This meeting may be conducted through a virtual forum. The officer in question must be able to participate in this meeting and must be given an opportunity to defend their actions; however, if the officer postpones the meeting for more than two weeks, they may be excluded from it on grounds of unnecessary delay. The issue will be resolved at the end of debate by blind vote. A two-thirds vote shall be required for the impeachment of any officer.
- Filling a Vacant Office: The State Chairs, along with any advisors that they deem prudent, may appoint any member of good standing in the CAJCL and NJCL to a vacant position. This appointed officer shall commence official duties immediately, and shall leave office along with the rest of the Board at the next State Convention.
section 7: resignation
- Any officer of the Board may resign if they believe themselves unable to fulfill any of the duties of their office. A formal resignation including their reason for resignation must be issued to and approved by the State Chair.
- An officer who has issued a resignation must continue to complete their duties until a new officer can be appointed to fill the position through the process described in Article VI, Section 6, Subsection C.
section 8: duties of the officers
In addition to their official duties, outlined in Article VI, Section 8, Subsections A through I, each officer must:
- Maintain a detailed record listing the completion of each official duty in chronological order, as well as any difficulties or notable successes in the completion of these duties.
- Attend all Executive Board meetings and State Convention. Duties of office must be completed, regardless of term.
Convention president(s)
Convention President(s): The duties of the Convention President(s) are to:
- Plan and coordinate the program of the State Convention, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
- Be responsible for distribution of all information and registration materials for the State Convention.
- Present their site in a portfolio at the annual State Convention; Convention President will be determined by their sponsor, with approval by the State Chair.
- The portfolio must include: information regarding their experience with the CAJCL State Convention and a written recommendation from their sponsor.
- The portfolio must include: information regarding their experience with the CAJCL State Convention and a written recommendation from their sponsor.
- Attend the annual NJCL Convention.
First Vice-President
First Vice-President: The duties of the First Vice-President are to:
- Recruit new schools and reward them with special recognition at regional contests (e.g. special name tags, trophies, etc.).
- Collect publicity from local chapters and record the points for the state publicity contest.
- Assist the Convention President with the duties of the State Convention.
- Serve as a representative of CAJCL by publicizing its purpose to the broader community through local news media.
- Serve on the candidate screening committee at the State Convention.
second vice-president
Second Vice-President: The duties of the Second Vice-President are to:
- Preside at and be responsible for the programs of the meetings of this organization (i.e., create meeting agendas, arrange travel to the Executive Board meetings, and be responsible for the nametags of all officers.)
- Communicate with the Executive Board monthly.
- Assist the Convention President with the duties of the State Convention.
- Chair the Executive Committee.
- Preside at the annual State Convention.
- Attend the annual NJCL Convention.
- Organize the delegates for the NJCL Convention.
- Call roll of all chapters attending the State Convention.
- Organize spirit for the California delegation at the NJCL Convention.
- Organize community service opportunities at local regional activities and State Convention.
Parliamentarian: The duties of the Parliamentarian are to:
- Be an authority of parliamentary procedure.
- Serve as the advisor to the 1st and 2nd Vice-Presidents and consultant on questions of parliamentary procedure.
- Draft proposed amendments to the constitution and/or its by-laws.
- Annually review the constitution to ensure that it remains concurrent with the needs of the CAJCL.
- Chair the Nominations Committee and run the Candidates Open Forum and the voting assembly.
- Create a Voter Information Guide, with information regarding amendments as well as candidates for each office, to be sent to each chapter before the State Convention.
- Encourage participation in state elections (workshop, assembly presentation, etc.) at a local regional activity, and appoint another officer to do likewise at the other regional activity.
- Publicize and clarify amendments to the CAJCL Constitution.
Secretary: The duties of the Secretary are to:
- Keep a record of all meetings of this organization, including the State Convention.
- Send duplicates of all meeting minutes of Executive Board meetings and State Convention to all members of the Executive Board within two weeks.
- Record the voting of any roll call vote.
- Record the attendance at the State Convention in the Convention minutes.
- Read the minutes of the previous State Convention at the State Convention unless deemed unnecessary by a majority voice vote of the delegates.
- Create letterheads and invitations to the Executive Board meetings.
Historian: The duties of the Historian are to:
- Keep and record the history of the CAJCL.
- Create an annual digital scrapbook containing an account of the events of the CAJCL that shall be sent to all current chapters by May 10th.
- Submit the scrapbook to the competition at the NJCL Convention.
regional representatives
Regional Representatives: The duties of the Regional Representatives are to:
- Coordinate regional activities.
- Plan and organize at least one regional meeting in the fall.
- Serve as a direct means of communication between the Executive Board and the CAJCL members in their geographical regions.
nuntius editor
Nuntius Editor: The duties of the Nuntius Editor are to:
- Be responsible for the publication and distribution of at least three issues of the Nuntius Californiensis.
- Present a report and a financial statement at every meeting of the Executive Committee.
- Submit the Nuntius Californiensis to the competition at the NJCL Convention.
- Webmaster: The duties of the Webmaster are to:
- Maintain and update the CAJCL web page with information regarding regional, state and national activities, in addition to information on state officers and state business (i.e., State Board meeting minutes).
- Encourage individual chapters to create their own websites to publicize their club activities and information.
- Take pictures with the CAJCL digital camera at State Convention for use on the CAJCL website.
- Submit the CAJCL website for the NJCL Convention website contest.
- Maintain and update the CAJCL web page with information regarding regional, state and national activities, in addition to information on state officers and state business (i.e., State Board meeting minutes).
article vii: the executive COMMITTEE and board
Section 1: Membership of the Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committee shall consist of the state officers, their sponsors, any national officers, the State Chair(s), the State Treasurer, and any regional or assistant chairs.
Section 2: Membership of the Executive BoardThe Executive Board shall consist of voting members of the Executive Committee. They are the state officers, the State Chair(s), and the State Treasurer.
Section 2: Membership of the Executive BoardThe Executive Board shall consist of voting members of the Executive Committee. They are the state officers, the State Chair(s), and the State Treasurer.
- The chairs of the Executive Board shall be the 1st and 2nd Vice-Presidents.
- The Executive Board shall act as an agent through which business is to be transacted between State Conventions.
- The quorum necessary to transact business shall be two-thirds of the state officers and must include the State Chair or an appropriate designate.
- A majority of those voting shall be necessary to authorize the transaction of such business.
- In the event that the State Treasurer cannot attend the meeting of the Executive Board, the State Chair must appoint someone who will bring the notebook to the meeting.
article viii: the state chair
section 1: qualifications
The State Chair shall be elected by the sponsors of the chapters of the California Junior Classical League. Both the State Chair and the sponsors must be in good standing with the American Classical League, the National Junior Classical League, and the California Junior Classical League.
section 2: election procedures
During the fourth year of a State Chair's term, the sponsors of the state officers shall form a Nominations Committee. The duty of the committee shall be to formulate a slate of candidates. The slate shall be submitted to all sponsors in good standing by December 1, and all ballots shall be returned by February 1. A simple majority shall be necessary for election.
section 3: term of office
The term of office shall be four years, beginning at the close of State Convention. The State Chair may be reelected.
section 4: Vacancy in office
In the event of a vacancy, the State Chair shall be chosen by the sponsors of the state officers. The appointive chair shall fill the remainder of the unexpired term.
section 5: approval procedures
The State Chair shall be subject to the approval of the National Junior Classical League and the American Classical League.
section 6: duties
The duties of the State Chair shall be to:
- Advise the State Officers.
- Supervise the State Contests.
- Appoint Co-Chairs to serve as their assistants.
- Appoint a State Treasurer, subject to approval by the Executive Board.
- Appoint a Scholarship Chair, subject to approval by the Executive Board.
- Attend the annual convention of the National Junior Classical League.
article ix: the state treasurer
section 1: appointment procedures
The State Treasurer shall be appointed by the State Chair at the end of the State Convention.
section 2: term in office
The State Treasurer shall serve a term of four years, beginning at the close of the State Convention. The State Treasurer may be reappointed.
section 3: vacancy in office
In the event of a vacancy, the State Chair may appoint a State Treasurer from a slate of candidate sponsors in good standing in the California Junior Classical League and the American Classical League.
section 4: approval procedures
The State Treasurer shall be subject to the approval of the California Junior Classical League Executive Board.
section 5: duties
The duties of the State Treasurer shall be to:
- Receive, disburse, and keep a record of all monies of this organization.
- Receive all applications for membership and keep a record of them.
- Notify all chapters not yet in good standing at least 15 days prior to the deadline for payments of annual dues.
- Present a report to the Executive Board at its meetings.
- Present a financial report at the State Convention, which shall serve to conclude the financial authority and jurisdiction of outgoing officers, unless deemed unnecessary by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Board.
- Obtain and present an audited financial report by the June meeting of the Executive Board unless deemed necessary by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board.
- Attend the annual California State Convention.
article x: ratification and amendment
section 1: ratification
A new constitution may be ratified only at the annual State Convention.
- One copy of the proposed constitution shall be sent to each chapter four weeks before the State Convention for study.
- The constitution shall be voted on by a secret ballot at the voting sessions of the State Convention. A two-thirds majority of votes cast shall be necessary for ratification.
section 2: amendment
Amendments to the constitution may be adopted only at the State Convention.
- An amendment is any substantive change to this document, excluding minor grammatical or aesthetic changes.
- Changes to this document to conform with approved amendments to the NJCL and/or CAJCL Constitution and/or By-Laws, shall not be considered amendments and shall be made only with the approval of the Executive Board by a majority vote.
- Suggested amendments must be submitted to the Parliamentarian prior to the third Executive Board Meeting after the State Convention.
- Copies of the proposed amendments shall be sent to each voting chapter four weeks before the State Convention for study.
- The amendments shall be voted on by secret ballot at the voting session of the State Convention. A two-thirds majority shall be necessary for adoption.
article xi: The annual state convention
section 1: location
The annual State Convention shall be hosted by the chapter of the California Junior Classical League Convention President.
section 2: official BUSINESS
The annual convention of this organization shall be the meeting at which all official business for this organization is to be transacted.
- Business to be transacted shall include the election of officers and voting on proposed amendments to the constitution and/or by-laws.
- The quorum necessary to transact business shall be not less than a simple majority of the chapters in good standing with this organization.
article xii: convention profits and funding
section 1: profit report
A host school must submit a detailed and accurate budget and profit statement for the State Convention by the following October 1 to the CAJCL Treasurer.
section 2: distribution of profits
- A host school of State Convention will be required to return a minimum of 50% of its profits to the California Junior Classical League Treasury. The remaining 50% may be kept by the host chapter.
- Host schools of Regional Events are encouraged to make a generous donation from any profits to the CAJCL Scholarship Fund.
section 3: debt
If a host school shows no profit, the host school's debts will be assumed by the California Junior Classical League Treasury, if sufficient funds exist. If sufficient funds do not exist, the chapter assumes responsibility for all debts.
section 4: supremacy clause
This article shall supersede all verbal agreements concerning convention profits.